List of Countries by Population Density


Want to know the world population density by country? Check out our list of countries and territories with their population densities. The country with highest population density is Monaco, which has 17,500 persons per square meter.


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Country or Territory NamePopulationLand AreaPopulation DensityRank
Zimbabwe12,571,000390,75732 / sq km168
Zambia13,046,508752,61217 / sq km184
Yemen22,492,035527,96843 / sq km154
Western Sahara531,000266,0002 / sq km220
Vietnam87,375,000331,212264 / sq km45
Venezuela29,343,000912,05032 / sq km167
Vatican City50000 / sq km225
Vanuatu240,00012,18920 / sq km180
Uzbekistan27,445,000447,40061 / sq km136
Uruguay3,356,584176,21519 / sq km181
United States312,083,0009,629,09132 / sq km166
United Kingdom62,435,709242,900257 / sq km46
United Arab Emirates8,264,07083,60099 / sq km100
Ukraine45,706,126603,50076 / sq km116
Uganda31,800,000241,550132 / sq km77
U.S. Virgin Islands109,000347314 / sq km37
Tuvalu10,00026385 / sq km26
Turks and Caicos Islands40,35794843 / sq km155
Turkmenistan5,042,000488,10010 / sq km202
Turkey73,722,988783,56294 / sq km101
Tunisia10,549,100163,61064 / sq km133
Trinidad and Tobago1,317,7145,130257 / sq km47
Tonga104,000747139 / sq km72
Tokelau1,1001292 / sq km102
Togo6,028,00056,785106 / sq km91
Thailand67,041,000513,120131 / sq km79
Tanzania43,187,823945,08746 / sq km147
Tajikistan6,879,000143,10048 / sq km144
Syria23,695,000185,180128 / sq km81
Switzerland7,866,50041,277191 / sq km61

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Map of World Population Density by Country

Top 10 Countries with Highest Population Density

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