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List of Countries by Cell Phone Population
Want to know the world cell phone population by country? Check out our list of
countries and territories with their total number of cell phones in use. The
world total cell phone population is about 4,622,682,093.
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Country or Territory Name | Population | % of World | Rank |
China | 906,800,000 | 19.62% | 1 |
India | 851,695,668 | 18.42% | 2 |
United States | 302,947,098 | 6.55% | 3 |
Russia | 220,550,000 | 4.77% | 4 |
Brazil | 217,300,000 | 4.7% | 5 |
Indonesia | 168,264,000 | 3.64% | 6 |
Japan | 107,490,000 | 2.33% | 7 |
Pakistan | 108,894,518 | 2.36% | 8 |
Germany | 107,000,000 | 2.31% | 9 |
Nigeria | 90,583,306 | 1.96% | 10 |
Mexico | 88,797,186 | 1.92% | 11 |
Italy | 88,580,000 | 1.92% | 12 |
Philippines | 78,000,000 | 1.69% | 13 |
United Kingdom | 75,750,000 | 1.64% | 14 |
Bangladesh | 74,190,000 | 1.6% | 15 |
Turkey | 66,000,000 | 1.43% | 16 |
France | 58,730,000 | 1.27% | 17 |
Thailand | 56,170,900 | 1.22% | 18 |
Ukraine | 54,377,000 | 1.18% | 19 |
Iran | 52,000,000 | 1.12% | 20 |
Spain | 50,890,000 | 1.1% | 21 |
Argentina | 50,409,800 | 1.09% | 22 |
Poland | 47,153,200 | 1.02% | 23 |
South Korea | 47,000,000 | 1.02% | 24 |
South Africa | 42,300,000 | 0.92% | 25 |
Colombia | 40,300,000 | 0.87% | 26 |
Vietnam | 34,500,000 | 0.75% | 27 |
Egypt | 71,460,000 | 1.55% | 28 |
Algeria | 33,000,000 | 0.71% | 29 |
Venezuela | 27,400,000 | 0.59% | 30 |
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