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Top 10 Countries with Biggest Land Area
Top 10 countries with biggest land area in the world: Russia, Canada, China, United States, Brazil, Australia, India, Argentina, Kazakhstan, Algeria.
✍: Guest
Country or Territory Name | Land Area in sq km | % of World | Rank |
Russia | 17,098,242 square kilometre | 11.5% | 1 |
Canada | 9,984,670 square kilometre | 6.7% | 2 |
China | 9,640,011 square kilometre | 6.5% | 3 |
United States | 9,629,091 square kilometre | 6.5% | 3 |
Brazil | 8,514,877 square kilometre | 5.7% | 5 |
Australia | 7,692,024 square kilometre | 5.2% | 6 |
India | 3,287,263 square kilometre | 2.3% | 7 |
Argentina | 2,780,400 square kilometre | 2% | 8 |
Kazakhstan | 2,724,900 square kilometre | 1.8% | 9 |
Algeria | 2,381,741 square kilometre | 1.6% | 10 |
See List of Countries by Land Area for all countries or territories sorted by their land areas.
⇒ List of Countries by Land Area
2021-05-25, 1246👍, 0💬
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