List of Countries by Population Density


Want to know the world population density by country? Check out our list of countries and territories with their population densities. The country with highest population density is Monaco, which has 17,500 persons per square meter.


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Country or Territory NamePopulationLand AreaPopulation DensityRank
Macau556,8003018,560 / sq km1
Monaco35,000217,500 / sq km2
Singapore5,076,7007107,150 / sq km3
Hong Kong7,097,6001,1046,429 / sq km4
Gibraltar29,44164,907 / sq km5
Bahrain1,262,0007581,665 / sq km6
Malta417,6083161,322 / sq km7
Bermuda64,566541,196 / sq km8
Maldives317,2803001,058 / sq km10
Bangladesh151,163,000143,9981,050 / sq km11
Mauritius1,280,9251,969651 / sq km15
China, Republic of23,188,07836,188641 / sq km16
Barbados273,000430635 / sq km17
Aruba107,000180594 / sq km18
San Marino31,88761523 / sq km19
South Korea48,988,83399,828491 / sq km20
Nauru10,00021476 / sq km21
Netherlands16,692,20037,354447 / sq km22
Puerto Rico3,725,7898,870420 / sq km23
Lebanon4,228,00010,452405 / sq km24
Rwanda10,412,82026,338395 / sq km25
Tuvalu10,00026385 / sq km26
India1,210,193,4223,287,263368 / sq km27
Haiti10,085,21427,750363 / sq km28
Belgium10,918,40530,528358 / sq km29
Israel7,759,30022,072352 / sq km30
American Samoa68,000199342 / sq km31
Japan127,950,000377,930339 / sq km32
Comoros735,0002,235329 / sq km33
Guam180,000549328 / sq km34

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Map of World Population Density by Country

Top 10 Countries with Highest Population Density

⇑⇑ World Countries and Territories and Related Information

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