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List of Countries by Population Density
Want to know the world population density by country? Check out our list of countries
and territories with their population densities. The country with highest
population density is Monaco, which has 17,500 persons per square meter.
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Country or Territory Name | Population | Land Area | Population Density | Rank |
Macau | 556,800 | 30 | 18,560 / sq km | 1 |
Monaco | 35,000 | 2 | 17,500 / sq km | 2 |
Singapore | 5,076,700 | 710 | 7,150 / sq km | 3 |
Hong Kong | 7,097,600 | 1,104 | 6,429 / sq km | 4 |
Gibraltar | 29,441 | 6 | 4,907 / sq km | 5 |
Bahrain | 1,262,000 | 758 | 1,665 / sq km | 6 |
Malta | 417,608 | 316 | 1,322 / sq km | 7 |
Bermuda | 64,566 | 54 | 1,196 / sq km | 8 |
Maldives | 317,280 | 300 | 1,058 / sq km | 10 |
Bangladesh | 151,163,000 | 143,998 | 1,050 / sq km | 11 |
Mauritius | 1,280,925 | 1,969 | 651 / sq km | 15 |
China, Republic of | 23,188,078 | 36,188 | 641 / sq km | 16 |
Barbados | 273,000 | 430 | 635 / sq km | 17 |
Aruba | 107,000 | 180 | 594 / sq km | 18 |
San Marino | 31,887 | 61 | 523 / sq km | 19 |
South Korea | 48,988,833 | 99,828 | 491 / sq km | 20 |
Nauru | 10,000 | 21 | 476 / sq km | 21 |
Netherlands | 16,692,200 | 37,354 | 447 / sq km | 22 |
Puerto Rico | 3,725,789 | 8,870 | 420 / sq km | 23 |
Lebanon | 4,228,000 | 10,452 | 405 / sq km | 24 |
Rwanda | 10,412,820 | 26,338 | 395 / sq km | 25 |
Tuvalu | 10,000 | 26 | 385 / sq km | 26 |
India | 1,210,193,422 | 3,287,263 | 368 / sq km | 27 |
Haiti | 10,085,214 | 27,750 | 363 / sq km | 28 |
Belgium | 10,918,405 | 30,528 | 358 / sq km | 29 |
Israel | 7,759,300 | 22,072 | 352 / sq km | 30 |
American Samoa | 68,000 | 199 | 342 / sq km | 31 |
Japan | 127,950,000 | 377,930 | 339 / sq km | 32 |
Comoros | 735,000 | 2,235 | 329 / sq km | 33 |
Guam | 180,000 | 549 | 328 / sq km | 34 |
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⇒ Map of World Population Density by Country
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