List of Countries by GDP per Capita Ranking


Want to know the GDP per Capita of Australia? Check out our list of countries and territories by GDP ranking which provides latest and accurate Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per Capita values in US Dollar (USD) by countries and territories.


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Country or Territory NameGDP per CapitaRank
Luxembourg108,832 US $1
Norway84,444 US $2
Qatar76,168 US $3
Switzerland67,246 US $4
United Arab Emirates59,717 US $5
Denmark56,147 US $6
Australia55,590 US $7
Sweden48,875 US $8
United States47,284 US $9
Netherlands47,172 US $10
Canada46,215 US $11
Ireland45,689 US $12
Austria44,987 US $13
Finland44,489 US $14
Singapore43,117 US $15
Japan42,820 US $16
Belgium42,630 US $17
France41,019 US $18
Germany40,631 US $19
Iceland39,026 US $20
Kuwait36,412 US $21
United Kingdom36,120 US $22
Italy34,059 US $23
New Zealand32,145 US $24
Hong Kong31,591 US $25
Brunei31,239 US $26
Spain30,639 US $27
Israel28,686 US $28
Cyprus28,237 US $29
Greece27,302 US $30

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Map of World GDP per Capita by Country

List of Countries by GDP (Gross Domestic Product) Ranking

⇑⇑ World Countries and Territories and Related Information

2021-05-25, 6445👍, 0💬