List of Countries by Population Density


Want to know the world population density by country? Check out our list of countries and territories with their population densities. The country with highest population density is Monaco, which has 17,500 persons per square meter.


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Country or Territory NamePopulationLand AreaPopulation DensityRank
Vatican City50000 / sq km225
Greenland56,4522,166,0860 / sq km224
Falkland Islands3,00012,1730 / sq km223
Pitcairn Islands50471 / sq km222
Mongolia2,818,0001,564,1002 / sq km221
Western Sahara531,000266,0002 / sq km220
Namibia2,283,000824,2683 / sq km219
Australia22,690,7697,692,0243 / sq km218
Iceland318,452103,0003 / sq km217
Botswana1,800,098582,0003 / sq km216
Suriname525,000163,8203 / sq km215
Mauritania3,460,0001,025,5203 / sq km214
Canada34,564,0009,984,6703 / sq km213
Libya6,355,0001,759,5404 / sq km212
Guyana784,894214,9694 / sq km211
Gabon1,505,000267,6686 / sq km210
Niue1,5002606 / sq km209
Kazakhstan16,518,0002,724,9006 / sq km208
Central African Republic4,401,000622,9847 / sq km207
Russia142,905,20017,098,2428 / sq km206
Oman2,694,094309,5009 / sq km205
Chad11,227,0001,284,0009 / sq km204
Bolivia10,426,1541,098,5819 / sq km203
Turkmenistan5,042,000488,10010 / sq km202
Mali14,517,1761,240,19212 / sq km201
Republic of the Congo4,043,000342,00012 / sq km200
Niger15,730,7541,267,00012 / sq km199
Saudi Arabia27,136,9772,149,69013 / sq km198
Saint Helena, Ascension and Tris4,00030813 / sq km197
Argentina40,091,3592,780,40014 / sq km195

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Map of World Population Density by Country

Top 10 Countries with Highest Population Density

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