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UA - Ukraine
Basic facts and profile information about Ukraine: commonly used name, full official name, flag, language, capital city, time zones, population, land area, population density, GDP, DGP per capita, ISO2/ISO3 codes, Internet domain name, etc.
Common Name: | Ukraine |
Official Name: | Ukraine |
Currency: | â‚´ - UAH (Hryvnia). |
Calling Code: | +380 for telephone dialing in. |
Capital City: | Kiev with latitude of 50.30 and longitude 30.28. |
Airports: |
Boryspil Intl (KBP) at Kiev. Zhuliany Intl (IEV) at Kiev. KIEV INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT (KIP) at Kiev. Gostomel Antonov (GML) at Kiev. List of airports in the country. |
Airlines: | AC Challenge Aero - - CHG Aero-Charter Ukraine - DW - UCR Aeromist-Kharkiv - HT - AHW Aeronavigaciya - - KTN Aerostar Airlines - - UAR Complete list of airlines in the country. |
Language: | Ukrainian (official), Russian |
Local Date and Time: |
5:42am on Mon, Feb 17, 2025 at Uzhgorod 5:42am on Mon, Feb 17, 2025 at Kiev 6:42am on Mon, Feb 17, 2025 at Simferopol |
Population and Rank: |
45,706,126 people lives in the country. 0.66% of the world total population. #29 of highest populations in the world. |
Land Area and Rank: |
603,500 square kilometres of land area. 0.41% of the world total land area. #46 of biggest countries in the world. |
Population Density and Rank: |
76 people per square km. #116 of highest population densities in the world. |
GDP: |
136,416.00 GDP (Gross Domestic Product) in Millions of US $. #54 of highest GDP in the world. |
GDP per Capita: |
3,000.00 GDP per capita in US $. #111 of highest GDP per capita in the world. |
Cell Phone Population and Rank: |
54,377,000 cell phones in use. 1.18% of world total cell phones. #19 of highest cell phone populations in the world. |
ISO2 Code: | UA assigned as the ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 code. |
ISO3 Code: | UKR assigned as the ISO 3166-1 Alpha-3 code. |
Domain Name: | .ua used as the top level Internet domain name. |
Subdivisions: | Cherkas'ka Oblast' as region Chernihivs'ka Oblast' as region Chernivets'ka Oblast' as region Dnipropetrovs'ka Oblast' as region Donets'ka Oblast' as region Complete list of stats/provinces in the country. |
Flag: | ![]() |
2021-05-23, 1360👍, 0💬
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