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Top 10 Countries with Most Cell Phones
Want to know which country has the most cell phones in the world? Check out our top 10 countries with largest cell phone population: China, India, United States, Russia, Brazil, Indonesia, Japan, Pakistan, Germany, Nigeria.
✍: Guest
Country or Territory Name | Population | % of World | Rank |
China | 906,800,000 | 19.62% | 1 |
India | 851,695,668 | 18.42% | 2 |
United States | 302,947,098 | 6.55% | 3 |
Russia | 220,550,000 | 4.77% | 4 |
Brazil | 217,300,000 | 4.7% | 5 |
Indonesia | 168,264,000 | 3.64% | 6 |
Japan | 107,490,000 | 2.33% | 7 |
Pakistan | 108,894,518 | 2.36% | 8 |
Germany | 107,000,000 | 2.31% | 9 |
Nigeria | 90,583,306 | 1.96% | 10 |
See List of Countries by Cell Phone Population for all countries or territories sorted by their cell phone populations.
⇒ List of Countries by Cell Phone Population
2021-05-25, 1077👍, 0💬
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