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List of Countries by Population
The list of countries and territories by population providing latest and
accurate world population by countries and territories. The world total
population is about 6,940,200,000.
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1 - 30 of 225 | Next>
Country or Territory Name | Population | % of World | Rank |
China | 1,339,724,852 | 19.3% | 1 |
India | 1,210,193,422 | 17.44% | 2 |
United States | 312,083,000 | 4.5% | 3 |
Indonesia | 237,556,363 | 3.42% | 4 |
Brazil | 190,732,694 | 2.75% | 5 |
Pakistan | 177,057,000 | 2.55% | 6 |
Nigeria | 158,423,000 | 2.28% | 7 |
Bangladesh | 151,163,000 | 2.18% | 8 |
Russia | 142,905,200 | 2.06% | 9 |
Japan | 127,950,000 | 1.84% | 10 |
Mexico | 112,336,538 | 1.62% | 11 |
Philippines | 94,013,200 | 1.35% | 12 |
Vietnam | 87,375,000 | 1.26% | 13 |
Ethiopia | 82,101,998 | 1.18% | 14 |
Germany | 81,751,602 | 1.18% | 15 |
Egypt | 80,731,000 | 1.16% | 16 |
Iran | 75,598,000 | 1.09% | 17 |
Turkey | 73,722,988 | 1.06% | 18 |
Thailand | 67,041,000 | 0.97% | 19 |
Congo, Dem. Rep. of the | 65,966,000 | 0.95% | 20 |
France | 65,821,885 | 0.95% | 21 |
United Kingdom | 62,435,709 | 0.9% | 22 |
Italy | 60,626,442 | 0.87% | 23 |
South Africa | 50,586,757 | 0.73% | 24 |
South Korea | 48,988,833 | 0.71% | 25 |
Myanmar | 47,963,000 | 0.73% | 26 |
Spain | 46,125,154 | 0.66% | 27 |
Colombia | 46,130,000 | 0.66% | 28 |
Ukraine | 45,706,126 | 0.66% | 29 |
Tanzania | 43,187,823 | 0.62% | 30 |
1 - 30 of 225 | Next>
⇒ Map of World Population by Country
2021-05-25, 7056👍, 0💬
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