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List of Countries by GDP per Capita Ranking
Want to know the GDP per Capita of Australia? Check out our list of countries and
territories by GDP ranking which provides latest and accurate Gross Domestic
Product (GDP) per Capita values in US Dollar (USD) by countries and territories.
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Country or Territory Name | GDP per Capita | Rank |
Zimbabwe | 594 US $ | 164 |
Zambia | 1,221 US $ | 140 |
Yemen | 1,282 US $ | 138 |
Vietnam | 1,174 US $ | 143 |
Venezuela | 9,960 US $ | 60 |
Vanuatu | 2,896 US $ | 113 |
Uzbekistan | 1,380 US $ | 135 |
Uruguay | 11,998 US $ | 49 |
United States | 47,284 US $ | 9 |
United Kingdom | 36,120 US $ | 22 |
United Arab Emirates | 59,717 US $ | 5 |
Ukraine | 3,000 US $ | 111 |
Uganda | 501 US $ | 171 |
Tuvalu | 3,200 US $ | 106 |
Turkmenistan | 3,939 US $ | 100 |
Turkey | 10,399 US $ | 58 |
Tunisia | 4,200 US $ | 97 |
Trinidad and Tobago | 16,753 US $ | 41 |
Tonga | 3,518 US $ | 103 |
Togo | 459 US $ | 172 |
Timor-Leste | 588 US $ | 165 |
Thailand | 4,992 US $ | 89 |
Tanzania | 548 US $ | 168 |
Tajikistan | 741 US $ | 156 |
Taiwan | 18,458 US $ | 38 |
Syria | 2,877 US $ | 117 |
Switzerland | 67,246 US $ | 4 |
Sweden | 48,875 US $ | 8 |
Swaziland | 3,061 US $ | 109 |
Suriname | 6,975 US $ | 73 |
1 - 30 of 184 | Next>
⇒ Map of World GDP per Capita by Country
2021-05-25, 6716👍, 0💬
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