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List of Countries by GDP per Capita Ranking
Want to know the GDP per Capita of Australia? Check out our list of countries and
territories by GDP ranking which provides latest and accurate Gross Domestic
Product (GDP) per Capita values in US Dollar (USD) by countries and territories.
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Country or Territory Name | GDP per Capita | Rank |
Afghanistan | 517 US $ | 169 |
Albania | 3,677 US $ | 102 |
Algeria | 4,435 US $ | 93 |
Angola | 4,478 US $ | 92 |
Antigua and Barbuda | 12,849 US $ | 47 |
Argentina | 9,138 US $ | 63 |
Armenia | 2,846 US $ | 119 |
Australia | 55,590 US $ | 7 |
Austria | 44,987 US $ | 13 |
Azerbaijan | 6,008 US $ | 78 |
Bahamas | 21,879 US $ | 32 |
Bahrain | 20,475 US $ | 35 |
Bangladesh | 638 US $ | 161 |
Barbados | 14,326 US $ | 44 |
Belarus | 5,800 US $ | 80 |
Belgium | 42,630 US $ | 17 |
Belize | 4,159 US $ | 98 |
Benin | 689 US $ | 159 |
Bhutan | 1,978 US $ | 127 |
Bolivia | 1,858 US $ | 128 |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | 4,319 US $ | 96 |
Botswana | 7,627 US $ | 68 |
Brazil | 10,816 US $ | 54 |
Brunei | 31,239 US $ | 26 |
Bulgaria | 6,334 US $ | 75 |
Burkina Faso | 598 US $ | 163 |
Burma | 702 US $ | 157 |
Burundi | 180 US $ | 184 |
Cambodia | 814 US $ | 152 |
Cameroon | 1,101 US $ | 145 |
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⇒ Map of World GDP per Capita by Country
2021-05-25, 6449👍, 0💬
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