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List of Countries by GDP (Gross Domestic Product) Ranking
Want to know the GDP of Australia? Check out our list of countries and territories by GDP ranking which provides latest and accurate Gross Domestic Product (GDP) values in US Dollar (USD) by countries and territories. The world total GDP is about 62,909,274 millions of US Dollar.
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Country or Territory Name | GDP in US $ | Rank |
United States | 14,657,800 Millions | 1 |
People's Republic of China | 5,878,257 Millions | 2 |
Japan | 5,458,872 Millions | 3 |
Germany | 3,315,643 Millions | 4 |
France | 2,582,527 Millions | 5 |
United Kingdom | 2,247,455 Millions | 6 |
Brazil | 2,090,314 Millions | 7 |
Italy | 2,055,114 Millions | 8 |
Canada | 1,574,051 Millions | 9 |
India | 1,537,966 Millions | 10 |
Russia | 1,465,079 Millions | 11 |
Spain | 1,409,946 Millions | 12 |
Australia | 1,235,539 Millions | 13 |
Mexico | 1,039,121 Millions | 14 |
South Korea | 1,007,084 Millions | 15 |
Netherlands | 783,293 Millions | 16 |
Turkey | 741,853 Millions | 17 |
Indonesia | 706,735 Millions | 18 |
Switzerland | 523,772 Millions | 19 |
Poland | 468,539 Millions | 20 |
Belgium | 465,676 Millions | 21 |
Sweden | 455,848 Millions | 22 |
Saudi Arabia | 443,691 Millions | 23 |
Republic of China (Taiwan) | 430,580 Millions | 24 |
Norway | 414,462 Millions | 25 |
Iran | 407,400 Millions | 26 |
Austria | 376,841 Millions | 27 |
Argentina | 370,269 Millions | 28 |
South Africa | 357,259 Millions | 29 |
Thailand | 318,850 Millions | 30 |
1 - 30 of 182 | Next>
⇒ List of Countries by GDP per Capita Ranking
2021-05-25, 6042👍, 0💬
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