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List of Countries by GDP (Gross Domestic Product) Ranking
Want to know the GDP of Australia? Check out our list of countries and territories by GDP ranking which provides latest and accurate Gross Domestic Product (GDP) values in US Dollar (USD) by countries and territories. The world total GDP is about 62,909,274 millions of US Dollar.
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Country or Territory Name | GDP in US $ | Rank |
Afghanistan | 16,631 Millions | 104 |
Albania | 11,578 Millions | 118 |
Algeria | 160,270 Millions | 50 |
Angola | 85,808 Millions | 62 |
Antigua and Barbuda | 1,099 Millions | 165 |
Argentina | 370,269 Millions | 28 |
Armenia | 8,830 Millions | 126 |
Australia | 1,235,539 Millions | 13 |
Austria | 376,841 Millions | 27 |
Azerbaijan | 52,166 Millions | 72 |
Bahrain | 21,733 Millions | 97 |
Bangladesh | 104,919 Millions | 58 |
Barbados | 3,963 Millions | 147 |
Belarus | 52,887 Millions | 70 |
Belgium | 465,676 Millions | 21 |
Belize | 1,431 Millions | 162 |
Benin | 6,494 Millions | 134 |
Bhutan | 1,397 Millions | 163 |
Bolivia | 19,182 Millions | 100 |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | 16,202 Millions | 105 |
Botswana | 12,501 Millions | 115 |
Brazil | 2,090,314 Millions | 7 |
Brunei | 11,963 Millions | 116 |
Bulgaria | 44,843 Millions | 76 |
Burkina Faso | 8,672 Millions | 128 |
Burma | 35,646 Millions | 84 |
Burundi | 1,469 Millions | 160 |
Cambodia | 11,360 Millions | 120 |
Cameroon | 21,882 Millions | 95 |
Canada | 1,574,051 Millions | 9 |
1 - 30 of 182 | Next>
⇒ List of Countries by GDP per Capita Ranking
2021-05-25, 6101👍, 0💬
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