List of Countries by Population Density


Want to know the world population density by country? Check out our list of countries and territories with their population densities. The country with highest population density is Monaco, which has 17,500 persons per square meter.


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Country or Territory NamePopulationLand AreaPopulation DensityRank
Sri Lanka20,653,00065,610315 / sq km36
U.S. Virgin Islands109,000347314 / sq km37
Philippines94,013,200300,000313 / sq km38
Saint Lucia166,526539309 / sq km39
Grenada104,000344302 / sq km40
Burundi8,383,00027,834301 / sq km41
Marshall Islands54,305181300 / sq km42
El Salvador6,193,00021,041294 / sq km43
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines109,000389280 / sq km44
Vietnam87,375,000331,212264 / sq km45
United Kingdom62,435,709242,900257 / sq km46
Trinidad and Tobago1,317,7145,130257 / sq km47
Jamaica2,705,82710,991246 / sq km48
Germany81,751,602357,114229 / sq km49
Liechtenstein36,157160226 / sq km50
Pakistan177,057,000796,095222 / sq km51
Cayman Islands54,878264208 / sq km52
Antigua and Barbuda89,000442201 / sq km53
Italy60,626,442301,336201 / sq km54
North Korea24,052,231120,538200 / sq km55
Saint Kitts and Nevis52,000261199 / sq km56
Nepal28,584,975147,181194 / sq km57
Luxembourg502,1002,586194 / sq km58
Dominican Republic9,378,81848,671193 / sq km59
Seychelles86,525452191 / sq km60
Switzerland7,866,50041,277191 / sq km61
British Virgin Islands28,213151187 / sq km62
Andorra84,082468180 / sq km63
Nigeria158,423,000923,768172 / sq km64
São Tomé and Príncipe165,000964171 / sq km65

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Map of World Population Density by Country

Top 10 Countries with Highest Population Density

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