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World Tourist Ranking by Country/Region
Do you know which country/Region has the most tourists? You can find it in our list of tourist ranking by country and territory. Top 10 countries with most tourists are: France, United States, China, Spain, Italy, United Kingdom, Turkey, Germany, Malaysia, Mexico.
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Country or Territory Name | Tourists | Rank |
Zimbabwe | 2.24 million | 41 |
United States | 59.75 million | 2 |
United Kingdom | 28.13 million | 6 |
United Arab Emirates | 7.43 million | 27 |
Ukraine | 21.20 million | 12 |
Turkey | 27.00 million | 7 |
Tunisia | 6.90 million | 28 |
Thailand | 15.84 million | 16 |
Syria | 8.55 million | 25 |
Spain | 52.68 million | 4 |
South Korea | 8.80 million | 23 |
South Africa | 8.07 million | 26 |
Singapore | 9.16 million | 22 |
Saudi Arabia | 10.85 million | 20 |
Russia | 20.27 million | 13 |
Qatar | 1.66 million | 45 |
Puerto Rico | 3.68 million | 36 |
Oman | 1.52 million | 47 |
Nigeria | 1.41 million | 48 |
Namibia | 0.98 million | 50 |
Mozambique | 2.22 million | 42 |
Morocco | 9.29 million | 21 |
Mexico | 22.40 million | 10 |
Malaysia | 24.58 million | 9 |
Macau | 11.93 million | 19 |
Lebanon | 2.17 million | 43 |
Kenya | 1.39 million | 49 |
Jordan | 4.56 million | 34 |
Japan | 8.61 million | 24 |
Italy | 43.63 million | 5 |
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