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List of Countries with Capital Cities
Do you know the capital city of Australia? You can find it in our list of countries and territories with their capital cities. Latitude and longitude of each capital city is provided to help you to locate the city on the map.
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Country or Territory Name | Capital City | Latitude | Longitude |
Afghanistan | Kabul | 34.28 | 69.11 |
Albania | Tirana | 41.18 | 19.49 |
Algeria | Alger (Algiers) | 36.42 | 3.08 |
American Samoa | Pago Pago | -14.16 | -170.43 |
Andorra | Andorra la Vella | 42.31 | 1.32 |
Angola | Luanda | -8.50 | 13.15 |
Antigua and Barbuda | Saint John's | 17.70 | -61.51 |
Argentina | Buenos Aires | -36.30 | -60.00 |
Armenia | Yerevan | 40.10 | 44.31 |
Aruba | Oranjestad | 12.32 | -70.02 |
Australia | Canberra | -35.15 | 149.08 |
Austria | Wien | 48.12 | 16.22 |
Azerbaijan | Baku | 40.29 | 49.56 |
Bahamas | Nassau | 25.05 | -77.20 |
Bahrain | Manama | 26.10 | 50.30 |
Bangladesh | Dhaka | 23.43 | 90.26 |
Barbados | Bridgetown | 13.05 | -59.30 |
Belarus | Minsk | 53.52 | 27.30 |
Belgium | Bruxelles (Brussel) | 50.51 | 4.21 |
Belize | Belmopan | 17.18 | -88.30 |
Bhutan | Thimbu | 27.31 | 89.45 |
Bolivia | La Paz | -16.20 | -68.10 |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Sarajevo | 43.52 | 18.26 |
Botswana | Gaborone | -24.45 | 25.57 |
Brazil | Brasilia | -15.47 | -47.55 |
British Virgin Islands | Road Town, Tortola | 18.27 | -64.37 |
Brunei Darussalam | Bandar Seri Begawan | 4.52 | 115.00 |
Bulgaria | Sofia | 42.45 | 23.20 |
Burkina Faso | Ouagadougou | 12.15 | -1.30 |
Burundi | Bujumbura | -3.16 | 29.18 |
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