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MP - Northern Marianas
Basic facts and profile information about Northern Marianas (Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands): commonly used name, full official name, flag, language, capital city, time zones, population, land area, population density, GDP, DGP per capita, ISO2/ISO3 codes, Internet domain name, etc.
Common Name: | Northern Marianas |
Official Name: | Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands |
Currency: | $ - USD (US Dollar). |
Calling Code: | +1 670 for telephone dialing in. |
Capital City: | Saipan with latitude of 15.12 and longitude 145.45. |
Airports: |
Francisco C Ada Saipan Intl (SPN) at Saipan. List of airports in the country. |
Language: | Filipino, Chinese, Chamorro, English |
Local Date and Time: | |
Population and Rank: |
61,000 people lives in the country. 0% of the world total population. #201 of highest populations in the world. |
Land Area and Rank: |
464 square kilometres of land area. 0% of the world total land area. #195 of biggest countries in the world. |
Population Density and Rank: |
131 people per square km. #78 of highest population densities in the world. |
GDP: |
GDP (Gross Domestic Product) in Millions of US $. # of highest GDP in the world. |
GDP per Capita: |
GDP per capita in US $. # of highest GDP per capita in the world. |
Cell Phone Population and Rank: |
cell phones in use. of world total cell phones. # of highest cell phone populations in the world. |
ISO2 Code: | MP assigned as the ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 code. |
ISO3 Code: | MNP assigned as the ISO 3166-1 Alpha-3 code. |
Domain Name: | .mp used as the top level Internet domain name. |
Flag: |
2021-05-23, 919👍, 0💬
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