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Looking for the list of airlines in Canada?
Use our search engine on the airline database which contains
over 6,000 airlines with airline names, IATA codes, ICAO codes, and Callsigns.
The search engine uses an easy-to-use key word search on airline names
and country names.
Enter a key word and click Search:
Search Result:
Airline Name | IATA Code | ICAO Code | Country |
Air Cairo | MSC | Egypt | |
Air Italy Egypt | EUD | Egypt | |
Air Memphis | MHS | Egypt | |
Air Sinai | 4D | ASD | Egypt |
Al Ahram Aviation | LHR | Egypt | |
Al Farana Airline | PHR | Egypt | |
Aleem | LEM | Egypt | |
Alexandria Airlines | KHH | Egypt | |
AlMasria Universal Airlines | UJ | LMU | Egypt |
AMC Airlines | AMV | Egypt | |
Arab Agricultural Aviation Company | AGC | Egypt | |
Cairo Air Transport Company | CCE | Egypt | |
Egyptair | MS | MSR | Egypt |
Egyptair Cargo | MSX | Egypt | |
EgyptAir Express | MSE | Egypt | |
Egyptian Air Force | EGY | Egypt | |
Egyptian Aviation | EJX | Egypt | |
Egyptian Aviation Company | EMA | Egypt | |
Flash Airlines | FSH | Egypt | |
International Air Cargo Corporation | IAK | Egypt | |
KoralBlue Airlines | K7 | KBR | Egypt |
Lotus Air | TAS | Egypt | |
Luxor Air | LXO | Egypt | |
Mediterranean Airways | MDY | Egypt | |
Midwest Airlines (Egypt) | MY | MWA | Egypt |
Mina Airline Company | NAB | Egypt | |
Misr Overseas Airways | MOS | Egypt | |
National Aviation Company | GTY | Egypt | |
National Overseas Airlines Company | NOL | Egypt | |
Nile Valley Aviation Company | NVA | Egypt | |
Orca Air | ORK | Egypt | |
Note: Other search results are not displayed. Revise your search key word to reduce search results. |
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