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MAD - Moroccan Dirham
Basic information about currency, Moroccan Dirham (MAD), including currency code, symbol/sign, decimal places, coins, bank notes/bills, and countries or territories where the currency is officially used.
Currency Name: | Moroccan Dirham |
Currency Code: | MAD |
Currency Symbol/Sign: | د.م |
Decimal Places: | 2 |
Officially Used in: | Morocco |
Currency Map: | |
Frequently Used Coin: | د.م. 1 (Dirham) |
د.م. 1 (Dirham) Coin Head: | |
د.م. 1 (Dirham) Coin Tail: | |
Frequently Used Bills: | د.م. 20,د.م. 50 |
د.م. 20 Bill Front: | |
د.م. 20 Bill Back: | |
د.م. 50 Bill Front: | |
د.م. 50 Bill Back: |
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2021-06-04, 1342👍, 0💬
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