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Airfare Tip: Compare fares
The first fare you see isn't necessarily going to be the lowest. That's why it's critical to compare fares before purchasing.
An easy way to compare fares from the airlines' websites (both major airlines and low-cost carriers) and third-party carriers like Expedia, Orbitz, and Travelocity, is to use a fare comparison tool like, a sister site of Booking allows users to enter cities and dates once, and compare the fares from more than 20 websites, including all of the major airlines and low-cost carriers.
If you find a fare you like on one of the third-party sites, go to the airline's site to see if it's also available directly from the airline. Most third-party sites charge a booking fee of $5 or $10, so it's cheaper to book directly with the airline.
Remember that several low-cost airlines, including JetBlue and Southwest, do not list their prices on third-party sites. Since these carriers often offer the lowest prices available on the routes they fly, you should check their sites before booking with another airline.
2021-06-04, 877👍, 0💬
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