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Looking for the list of airlines in Canada? Use our search engine on the airline database which contains over 6,000 airlines with airline names, IATA codes, ICAO codes, and Callsigns. The search engine uses an easy-to-use key word search on airline names and country names.
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Search Result:
Airline Name | IATA Code | ICAO Code | Country |
Aero Airline | ILK | Kazakhstan | |
Aerotrans Airline | ATG | Kazakhstan | |
Aerotur-Air | RAI | Kazakhstan | |
Agrocentr-Avia | GSV | Kazakhstan | |
Air Almaty | LMY | Kazakhstan | |
Air Almaty ZK | LMZ | Kazakhstan | |
Air Astana | KC | KZR | Kazakhstan |
Air Division of the Eastern Kazakhstan Region | UCK | Kazakhstan | |
Air Kazakhstan | 9Y | KZK | Kazakhstan |
Air Kokshetau | KRT | Kazakhstan | |
AK Navigator LLC | AKZ | Kazakhstan | |
Aktjubavia | AKB | Kazakhstan | |
Alatau Airlines | BMV | Kazakhstan | |
Alliance Avia | KVR | Kazakhstan | |
Almaty Aviation | LMT | Kazakhstan | |
Araiavia | KOY | Kazakhstan | |
Arhabaev Tourism Airlines | RTO | Kazakhstan | |
Arkhabay | KEK | Kazakhstan | |
Asia Continental Airlines | CID | Kazakhstan | |
Association of Private Pilots of Kazakhstan | PVK | Kazakhstan | |
ATMA | AMA | Kazakhstan | |
Atyrau Air Ways | IP | JOL | Kazakhstan |
Avia Jaynar | SAP | Kazakhstan | |
Azamat | AZB | Kazakhstan | |
Beibars CJSC | BBS | Kazakhstan | |
Berkhut ZK | BPK | Kazakhstan | |
Berkut Air | BEK | Kazakhstan | |
BGB Air | POI | Kazakhstan | |
Burundaiavia | IVR | Kazakhstan | |
Burundayavia | BRY | Kazakhstan | |
Daka | DKA | Kazakhstan | |
Note: Other search results are not displayed. Revise your search key word to reduce search results. |
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