7F (First Air) - CA (Canada)


Basic facts and profile information about First Air in Canada: airline name, other names, IATA code, ICAO code, Callsign, country, etc.

Airline Name: First Air
IATA Code: 7F
Airline Callsign:
Country: Canada - Country or territory where this airline is located.
CA - ISO2 code of the country.
Airports Served:Baker Lake (YBK) - Serving city: Baker Lake of Canada
Cambridge Bay (YCB) - Serving city: Cambridge Bay of Canada
Kugluktuk (YCO) - Serving city: Coppermine of Canada
Chesterfield Inlet Airport (YCS) - Serving city: Chesterfield Inlet of Canada
Clyde River (YCY) - Serving city: Clyde River of Canada
Edmonton Intl (YEG) - Serving city: Edmonton of Canada
Inuvik Mike Zubko (YEV) - Serving city: Inuvik of Canada
Iqaluit (YFB) - Serving city: Iqaluit of Canada
Fort Simpson (YFS) - Serving city: Fort Simpson of Canada
Igloolik Airport (YGT) - Serving city: Igloolik of Canada


2021-05-25, 577👍, 0💬