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Looking for the list of airlines in Canada?
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over 6,000 airlines with airline names, IATA codes, ICAO codes, and Callsigns.
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Search Result:
Airline Name | IATA Code | ICAO Code | Country |
ABC Bedarsflug | FTY | Austria | |
Aero Charter Krifka | KFK | Austria | |
Air Alps Aviation | A6 | LPV | Austria |
Airlink | JAR | Austria | |
Amerer Air | AMK | Austria | |
Amira Air | XPE | Austria | |
Austria Air Force | Austria | ||
Austrian Airlines | OS | AUA | Austria |
Austrian Arrows | VO | TYR | Austria |
Austrojet | Austria | ||
Avag Air | MBA | Austria | |
Avia Consult Flugbetriebs | AJF | Austria | |
BACH Flugbetriebsges | B4 | BCF | Austria |
Bannert Air | BBA | Austria | |
Business Flight Salzburg | AUJ | Austria | |
Charter Air | CHW | Austria | |
Christophorus Flugrettungsverein | OEC | Austria | |
ConneX European Airline | 2CO | Austria | |
Deadalos Flugtbetriebs | IAY | Austria | |
Euromanx Airways | 3W | EMX | Austria |
Flugwerkzeuge Aviation Software | FWZ | Austria | |
Global Jet Austria | GLJ | Austria | |
Goldeck-Flug | GDK | Austria | |
Grossmann Air Service | HTG | Austria | |
Heli Ambulance Team | ALJ | Austria | |
Houston Jet Services | GGV | Austria | |
IJM International Jet Management | IJM | Austria | |
Intersky | 3L | ISK | Austria |
Jetalliance | JAG | Austria | |
Jetfly Airlines | JFL | Austria | |
Lauda Air | NG | LDA | Austria |
Note: Other search results are not displayed. Revise your search key word to reduce search results. |
⇒ Top 10 Largest Airlines in the World
2021-05-26, 36952👍, 0💬
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