Airlines (6336)
Airports (6637)
Cities (82455)
Countries (264)
Currencies (134)
General (20)
Photo Gallery (11)
States/Provinces (4415)
Timezones (11)
TG - Togo
Togolese Republic - 2021-05-23, 811👍, 0💬
TT - Trinidad and Tobago
Republic of Trinidad and Tobago - 2021-05-23, 802👍, 0💬
UM - United States Minor Outlying Islands
United States Minor Outlying Islands - 2021-05-23, 790👍, 0💬
SJ - Svalbard and Jan Mayen
Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands - 2021-05-23, 787👍, 0💬
LK - Sri Lanka
Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka - 2021-05-23, 784👍, 0💬
VI - US Virgin Islands
Virgin Islands of the United States - 2021-05-23, 783👍, 0💬
TM - Turkmenistan
Turkmenistan - 2021-05-23, 771👍, 0💬
TL - Timor-Leste
Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste - 2021-05-23, 760👍, 0💬
GS - South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands - 2021-05-23, 754👍, 0💬
Testing Area
What is test testing area for? The testing area is provided to allow visitors to post testing comments. 2021-05-19, 1305👍, 10💬
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