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SV (Saudi Arabian Airlines) - SA (Saudi Arabia)
Basic facts and profile information about Saudi Arabian Airlines in Saudi Arabia: airline name, other names, IATA code, ICAO code, Callsign, country, etc.
Airline Name: | Saudi Arabian Airlines |
IATA Code: | SV |
ICAO Code: | SVA |
Airline Callsign: | SAUDIA |
Country: |
Saudi Arabia - Country or territory where this airline is located. SA - ISO2 code of the country. |
Airports Served: | Es Senia (ORN) - Serving city: Oran of Algeria Zia Intl (DAC) - Serving city: Dhaka of Bangladesh Baiyun Intl (CAN) - Serving city: Guangzhou of China Alexandria Intl (ALY) - Serving city: El Iskandariya (= Alexandria) of Egypt Cairo Intl (CAI) - Serving city: El Qahira (= Cairo) of Egypt Borg El Arab Intl (HBE) - Serving city: El Iskandariya (= Alexandria) of Egypt Bole Intl (ADD) - Serving city: Addis Ababa of Ethiopia Charles De Gaulle (CDG) - Serving city: Paris of France Frankfurt Main (FRA) - Serving city: Frankfurt am Main of Germany Bangalore (BLR) - Serving city: Bangalore of India |
2021-05-25, 569👍, 0💬
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