3K (Jetstar Asia Airways) - SG (Singapore)


Basic facts and profile information about Jetstar Asia Airways in Singapore: airline name, other names, IATA code, ICAO code, Callsign, country, etc.

Airline Name: Jetstar Asia Airways
IATA Code: 3K
Airline Callsign: JETSTAR ASIA
Country: Singapore - Country or territory where this airline is located.
SG - ISO2 code of the country.
Airports Served:Perth Intl (PER) - Serving city: Perth of Australia
Meilan (HAK) - Serving city: Haikou of China
Xiaoshan (HGH) - Serving city: Hangzhou of China
Liangjiang (KWL) - Serving city: Guilin of China
Wai Sha Airport (SWA) - Serving city: Shantou of China
Hong Kong Intl (HKG) - Serving city: Hong Kong of Hong Kong
Kansai (KIX) - Serving city: Osaka of Japan
Macau Intl (MFM) - Serving city: Macau of Macau
Kuala Lumpur Intl (KUL) - Serving city: Kuala Lumpur of Malaysia
Yangon Intl (RGN) - Serving city: Yangon of Myanmar


2021-05-25, 708👍, 0💬