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BE_VBR: Vlaams Brabant, Belgium
Vlaams Brabant, Province of Belgium
Name: | Vlaams Brabant or Brabant-Vlanderen, Vlaams-Brabant, Flämisch Brabant, Brabant-Flamand |
Subdivision Name: | Province |
ISO 3166-2 Code: | VBR - Subdivision code assigned in ISO 3166-2. |
Cities: | Aarschot Affligem Alsemberg Asse Attenhoven Complete list of cities in this state/province. |
Country: |
Belgium - Country or territory where this city is located. BE - ISO2 code of the country. |
Currency: | € - EUR (Euro) - Currency used in this country. |
Telephone Code: | +32 - Telephone dialing in code for this country. |
2023-09-23, 436👍, 0💬
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