DOH (Doha Intl) - DOH (Doha, QA)


Doha Intl

Airport Name: Doha Intl
City Name: Doha- City served by this airport.
Local Time: 12:05pm on Tue, Jan 14, 2025 in Asia/Qatar time zone
IATA/FAA Code: DOH - 3-letter code assigned by IATA or FAA.
ICAO Code: OTBD - 4-letter code assigned by ICAO.
Latitude and Longitude: 25.261125 - Latitude of this airport.
Longitude: 51.565056 - Longitude of this airport.
Altitude: 11 metres above the sea level.
Airlines:Jet Airways - 9W - JAI
British Airways - BA - BAW
bmi - BD - BMA
Biman Bangladesh Airlines - BG - BBC
Braniff International Airways - BN - BNF
Complete list of airlines serving this Airport.
Country Name: Qatar - Country or territory where this airport is located.
QA - ISO2 code of the country.
Currency: ï·¼ - QAR (Qatari Rial) - Currency used at this airport.
Calling Code: +974 - Telephone dialing in code for this airport.


2021-05-25, 857👍, 0💬