B7 (Uni Air) - TW (Taiwan)


Basic facts and profile information about Uni Air in Taiwan: airline name, other names, IATA code, ICAO code, Callsign, country, etc.

Airline Name: Uni Air
IATA Code: B7
Airline Callsign: Glory
Country: Taiwan - Country or territory where this airline is located.
TW - ISO2 code of the country.
Airports Served:Jiangbei (CKG) - Serving city: Chongqing of China
Zhoushuizi (DLC) - Serving city: Dalian of China
Changle (FOC) - Serving city: Fuzhou of China
Xiaoshan (HGH) - Serving city: Hangzhou of China
Baoan Intl (SZX) - Serving city: Shenzhen of China
Liuting (TAO) - Serving city: Qingdao of China
Gaoqi (XMN) - Serving city: Xiamen of China
Kaohsiung Intl (KHH) - Serving city: Kaohsiung of Taiwan
Shang Yi (KNH) - Serving city: Kinmen of Taiwan
Magong (MZG) - Serving city: Makung of Taiwan


2021-05-25, 977👍, 0💬