C9 (Cirrus Airlines) - DE (Germany)


Basic facts and profile information about Cirrus Airlines in Germany: airline name, other names, IATA code, ICAO code, Callsign, country, etc.

Airline Name: Cirrus Airlines
IATA Code: C9
Airline Callsign: CIRRUS AIR
Country: Germany - Country or territory where this airline is located.
DE - ISO2 code of the country.
Airports Served:Salzburg (SZG) - Serving city: Salzburg of Austria
Dresden (DRS) - Serving city: Dresden of Germany
Erfurt (ERF) - Serving city: Erfurt of Germany
Frankfurt Main (FRA) - Serving city: Frankfurt am Main of Germany
Hamburg (HAM) - Serving city: Hamburg of Germany
Hof Plauen (HOQ) - Serving city: Hof of Germany
Mannheim City (MHG) - Serving city: Mannheim of Germany
Franz Josef Strauss (MUC) - Serving city: München of Germany
Stuttgart (STR) - Serving city: Stuttgart of Germany
Tegel (TXL) - Serving city: Berlin of Germany


2021-05-25, 730👍, 0💬