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D9 (Aeroflot-Don) - RU (Russia)
Basic facts and profile information about Aeroflot-Don in Russia: airline name, other names, IATA code, ICAO code, Callsign, country, etc.
Airline Name: | Aeroflot-Don |
IATA Code: | D9 |
ICAO Code: | DNV |
Airline Callsign: | DONAVIA |
Country: |
Russia - Country or territory where this airline is located. RU - ISO2 code of the country. |
Airports Served: | Zvartnots (EVN) - Serving city: Yerevan of Armenia Gyumri (LWN) - Serving city: Gyumri of Armenia Ruzyne (PRG) - Serving city: Praha of Czech Republic Franz Josef Strauss (MUC) - Serving city: München of Germany Ben Gurion (TLV) - Serving city: Tel Aviv-Yafo of Israel Sochi (AER) - Serving city: Sochi of Russia Kurumoch (KUF) - Serving city: Samara of Russia Rostov Na Donu (ROV) - Serving city: Rostov of Russia Sheremetyevo (SVO) - Serving city: Moskva of Russia Vnukovo (VKO) - Serving city: Moskva of Russia |
2021-05-25, 604👍, 0💬
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