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Search Result:
Airport Name | FAA/IATA | ICAO | City | Country |
Amilcar Cabral Intl | SID | GVAC | Amilcar Cabral | Cape Verde |
Maio | MMO | GVMA | Maio | Cape Verde |
Praia International Airport | RAI | GVNP | Praia, Santiago Island | Cape Verde |
Preguica | SNE | GVSN | Sao Nocolau Island | Cape Verde |
Rabil | BVC | GVBA | Boa Vista | Cape Verde |
Sao Filipe Airport | SFL | GVSF | Sao Filipe, Fogo Island | Cape Verde |
Sao Pedro | VXE | GVSV | Sao Vicente Island | Cape Verde |
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