
Travel News

N.Y.C. launches global ad campaign
The city's tourism office is launching its first major international advertising effort, aiming to sell potential...
Mall of America strikes deal with Nickelodeon for theme park
Goodbye, Snoopy and Charlie Brown. Say hello to SpongeBob SquarePants, Dora the Explorer and Jimmy Neutron. The Mall of...
' Developers plan golf resort in Washington wine country
Construction will start this summer on a planned $500 million, Tuscan-themed golf resort with views of Mount Rainier...
Denmark a unique mix of welfare, economic growth
Across Europe, nations such as France, Italy and Germany struggle with lackluster economic growth, high unemployment...
Flight diverted after bag gets on board without passenger
A US Airways jet bound for Philadelphia was diverted to Las Vegas on Tuesday because a man who was supposed to have...
Laos opens wartime 'cave city' of communist guerrillas to tourism
More than three decades after the war ended, Laos has opened up to tourism a complex of caves which once sheltered...
Rapid expansion of restaurants in Branson
More than 30 new eateries opened in Branson last year but it hasn't hurt business at existing restaurants. City records...
Mushing grows in popularity as other winter recreation wanes
A winter with much less snow than unusual hasn't stopped dog sledding from enjoying a boom in Minnesota. In fact, brown...
Louvre museum to build branch in UAE
France's storied Louvre museum, the world's premier shrine to art and home to priceless works like the Mona Lisa,...
Spirit Airlines charges for baggage, beverages
In a move that other U.S. airlines may copy, Florida-based discounter Spirit Airlines will begin charging for every...

Click the following links for more travel news

USA warns against flying Indonesian airlines following crashes

James Beard nominations call out culinary world's best

Rapid expansion of restaurants in Branson

Jamaica's Goldeneye to get facelift

World's largest malls

Busy people can 'book' a trip now

Cruise line to renovate Hawaiian plantation

Bonuses don't cut TSA turnover

Disease threatens India's tourism

Airbus tostreamline

Sculptures depict real George Washington

Urban fishing casts wider net of popularity

Aer Lingus flight from N.Y. evacuated

Jackson Hole Mountain Resort planning $25 million replacement for tram

Cruise business could take hit from Tuesday's tilting

Atlantic City is building a Las Vegas image

Don't let high gas prices get your goat this summer

These offbeat travel guides will send you on your way with a chortle

Airline mixes up 2 boys headed in different directions

First taste of German beer begins with a slow, careful pour

Lithuanians jeer symbols of communist past at 'Stalin's World' theme park

Bird-flu fears haven't scared off travelers

Airlines raise base fares sharply, still fill planes<

New Orleans-Baton Rouge Amtrak route considered

Asian medical tourism to become multi-billion-dollar industry

DFW Airport seeks to limit gates at Love

American CFO vows 'right' cost cuts<

US Airways plane apparently hits bird in flight, lands safely

Sea kayaking is relaxing, fun way to see wildlife refuge

JetBlue has its own effect

Travel - News