
Travel News

Unbuttoned Bermuda
For most vacationers, this 23-mile-long island in the Atlantic evokes images of a tranquil and staid British outpost. But the island about 600 miles east of North Carolina and a two-hour hop by plane from major Eastern U.S. cities is working to broaden its appeal.
Off the Mall, a D.C. jewel re-emerges
After a $298 million renovation, the Old Patent Office Building and its two museums reopen July 1, returned to neoclassical glory and packed with the best of more than two centuries of American art and portraiture. Together, they're poised to be the new stars of the city's successful effort to draw tourists downtown. gallery_x.htm
10 great places to pull over on a motorcycle
Guidebook author Gary McKechnie is back on his two-wheeler for the third edition of "Great American Motorcycle Tours." He talks with Ron Schoolmeester from USA TODAY about some of his favorite places to pull over and explore a bit of Americana.
Southwest could be a tinderbox by July 4
As firefighters battle a major blaze on the outskirts of Sedona, a northern Arizona town whose striking scenery and New Age vibes draw more than 3 million tourists a year, experts are warning that a forecast of unusually hot, dry weather across the Southwest through the Fourth of July weekend could translate to a spike in wildfires.
Don't let high gas prices get your goat this summer
This summer's hottest travel gimme is free gas. When fuel prices inched up last summer toward $3 a gallon, a number of hotels began offering gas incentives to keep travelers on the road. Now, entire vacation areas are seizing on the idea to ease the pain at the pump.
Take a taxi, share a shuttle
With the busy Fourth of July travel weekend approaching, USA TODAY's Mary Cadden examines the cost to take a taxi or shuttle from the airport to the "downtown" area of some major metropolitan cities.
9/11 families want release of info about security practices
Families of those killed in the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, said Thursday that excessive secrecy by the government is keeping from them what went wrong before the hijackings. A handful of family members held a news conference in the Capitol to push for a law that would unlock secrets kept by the Transportation Security Administration.
Local tastes
Critics dish about contemporary American food in Chicago, Spanish dishes in Phoenix and classic fare in Washington, D.C.

Click the following links for more travel news

Jackson Hole Mountain Resort planning $25 million replacement for tram

Cruise business could take hit from Tuesday's tilting

Atlantic City is building a Las Vegas image

Don't let high gas prices get your goat this summer

These offbeat travel guides will send you on your way with a chortle

Airline mixes up 2 boys headed in different directions

First taste of German beer begins with a slow, careful pour

Lithuanians jeer symbols of communist past at 'Stalin's World' theme park

Bird-flu fears haven't scared off travelers

Airlines raise base fares sharply, still fill planes<

New Orleans-Baton Rouge Amtrak route considered

Asian medical tourism to become multi-billion-dollar industry

DFW Airport seeks to limit gates at Love

American CFO vows 'right' cost cuts<

US Airways plane apparently hits bird in flight, lands safely

Sea kayaking is relaxing, fun way to see wildlife refuge

JetBlue has its own effect

Travel - News