
Travel News

Mission: Space a go for relaunch
After the death last month of a second visitor who had ridden its Mission: Space attraction, Walt Disney World in Orlando has announced it will create a less intense version of the thrill ride. Visitors on the simulated space flight ride will soon be able to forgo the spinning sensation if they choose.
Louisville is off to the races
In this sentimental old river city that on Saturday, for the 132nd time, hosts the legendary Kentucky Derby, the past is getting a run for its money. With a hip downtown and a blossoming cultural arts scene, something transformational is happening in Louisville.
Summer 'baggage meltdown' predicted
Increased air traffic and a shortage of security screeners could combine to cause a "baggage meltdown" this summer for passengers, one of Congress' leading aviation experts charged Thursday.
New Georgia town caters to bikers born to be wild
People who are born to be wild, or at least those who enjoy raucous parties, cheap beer and rock bands, should feel right at home in a new south Georgia town that has arisen in a cow pasture. Known as Angel City, the $2 million, Western-style town will cater to bikers.
Lithuanians jeer symbols of communist past at 'Stalin's World' theme park
A Soviet prison camp may not sound like the ideal place for a good time. Even less so in a country that was occupied by the Red Army for half a century. Yet Grutas Park, a quirky theme park dotted with relics of Lithuania's communist past, has become a major tourist attraction.
Hawaiian Airline expands West Coast service
Hawaiian Airlines is ramping up its service to the West Coast. The state's largest airline said it will add 21 round-trip flights a week to the Mainland starting this fall, increasing the total weekly round-trip flights to 116.
Marketers dream up gas giveaways
With consumers transfixed by soaring fuel prices, businesses are using gasoline-related gimmicks to squeeze extra mileage out of their promotions. Gas giveaways are showing up in marketing of everything from cars to groceries.
10 great places to chow down on barbecue
Karen Adler, author of nine books on barbecuing, including "The BBQ Queens' Big Book of Barbecue," directs USA TODAY to some favorite joints around the nation.

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Atlantic City is building a Las Vegas image

Don't let high gas prices get your goat this summer

These offbeat travel guides will send you on your way with a chortle

Airline mixes up 2 boys headed in different directions

First taste of German beer begins with a slow, careful pour

Lithuanians jeer symbols of communist past at 'Stalin's World' theme park

Bird-flu fears haven't scared off travelers

Airlines raise base fares sharply, still fill planes<

New Orleans-Baton Rouge Amtrak route considered

Asian medical tourism to become multi-billion-dollar industry

DFW Airport seeks to limit gates at Love

American CFO vows 'right' cost cuts<

US Airways plane apparently hits bird in flight, lands safely

Sea kayaking is relaxing, fun way to see wildlife refuge

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Travel - News