
Travel News

Saga of the sandhill crane
KEARNEY, Neb. — Avian flu has focused new attention on bird-watching, the USA's fastest-growing outdoor activity. While most of America's estimated 46 million birders stray no farther than their backyard feeders or a local nature center, interest in commercial birding trips is expanding rapidly.
Ships crack down on smoking
The deadly fire that swept through a Princess cruise ship last week is prompting the industry to make changes. Oceania Cruises has implemented a "zero tolerance" policy for people caught smoking in non-smoking areas, including in cabins and on balconies, and industry watchers expect others to follow.
10 great
As Indianapolis gears up for an invasion of hoops fans during the NCAA men's basketball championships that start Saturday, Final Four aficionados will discover what local hero Larry Bird already knows: The USA's 12th-largest city is a slam-dunk for sports buffs.
Amenities airports need
Last week's Destinations & Diversions story, "Piecing together the perfect airport," clearly touched a nerve with USA TODAY readers. The story, which listed 10 things every airport should have, sparked more responses than almost any other travel-related story of the past decade. Here are a few of the responses.
Delta fliers will pay fees
NEW YORK — Delta Air Lines said Friday that it will start adding airport fees to its ticket prices after previously absorbing them, a move that could boost fares nationwide if matched by rivals.
JetBlue has its own effect
PORTLAND, Maine — Travelers using the Portland International Airport will see fare reductions of more than $100 on some routes when low-cost carrier JetBlue launches its new service on May 23.

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