
Travel News

Louisville puts out its best during Derby season
Visiting Louisville during Derby week should include a dose of horse racing and Kentucky Derby history, and the city's museum is one way to get it. As fans count down the days until the first Saturday in May, commonly dubbed the "greatest two minutes" in sports, the city and its residents prepare to show its best side during the tourist-rich Derby season.
Read cruise lines' fine print
Traveler's Aide column: When ships skip scheduled stops, cruise lines try to substitute alternate ports. If that's not possible, companies usually give a small onboard credit to cover both the government taxes and fees and the letdown. However, travelers and cruise lines often have very different ideas about what's appropriate.
Southwest to offer service at Washington Dulles
Discount king Southwest Airlines this fall will bring its brand of no-frills, low-fare service to Washington Dulles airport. It will be the second United Airlines hub that Southwest has invaded this year.
Las Vegas ranges take shot at luring tourists for fun with guns
Hundreds of tourists are lured to Las Vegas gun ranges every month for the promise of a brief thrill with a weapon that's banned abroad and hard to find in the United States: the Uzi. Tourists line up to shred near life-size paper targets of Osama bin Laden or Saddam Hussein doctored so the villains make eye contact from across the range.
Interview: French tourism minister fears impact of job law crisis
France's tourism minister said in an interview Monday that if the crisis over a new jobs law does not end soon, it could damage the country's position as one of the world's top tourist destinations.
Delta pilots union chief seeks authority to set strike
Now that Delta Air Lines pilots have authorized a strike, their union leader wants the right to decide when a walkout would occur. "If our contract is rejected, we will strike," chairman Lee Moak said in an interview. "I can't be more direct than that."
Chicago officials propose plan to stop runway overruns at Midway
City of Chicago officials have reportedly changed their minds about making improvements at Midway Airport, and now want to put lightweight concrete at the ends of runways to help slow planes that overshoot their landings, officials said.
US Airways plane apparently hits bird in flight, lands safely
A US Airways flight apparently hit a bird Tuesday night as it approached Seattle-Tacoma International Airport, causing flashes in an engine that alarmed some people both on board the plane and on the ground.

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