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CGN (Koln Bonn) - CGN (Koln, DE)
Koln Bonn
Airport Name: | Koln Bonn |
City Name: | Koln- City served by this airport. |
Local Time: | 7:25am on Thu, Jan 16, 2025 in Europe/Berlin time zone |
IATA/FAA Code: | CGN - 3-letter code assigned by IATA or FAA. |
ICAO Code: | EDDK - 4-letter code assigned by ICAO. |
Latitude and Longitude: | 50.865917 - Latitude of this airport. |
Longitude: | 7.142744 - Longitude of this airport. |
Altitude: | 92 metres above the sea level. |
Airlines: | Air Arabia Maroc - 3O - Germanwings - 4U - GWI Air Berlin - AB - BER Air France - AF - AFR Alitalia - AZ - AZA Complete list of airlines serving this Airport. |
Country Name: |
Germany - Country or territory where this airport is located. DE - ISO2 code of the country. |
Currency: | € - EUR (Euro) - Currency used at this airport. |
Calling Code: | +49 - Telephone dialing in code for this airport. |
2021-05-25, 595👍, 0💬
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