Travel > Time Zones

Names and Locations of Regional Time Zones

The complete list of 300 regional time zones in the world in the tz database (or zoneinfo database). Name, location, country code and current date and time of each time zone are included in the list. The representative location of each time zone is specified by its longitude and latitude coordinates.

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Time Zone NameCurrent DateTimeCountry CodeLongitudeLatitude
America/AdakSun, Feb 16, 2025  3:58pmUS-176.6651.88
America/AnchorageSun, Feb 16, 2025  4:58pmUS-149.961.22
America/AnguillaSun, Feb 16, 2025  9:58pmAI-63.0718.2
America/AntiguaSun, Feb 16, 2025  9:58pmAG-61.817.05
America/AraguainaSun, Feb 16, 202510:58pmBR-48.2-7.2
America/Argentina/Buenos_AiresSun, Feb 16, 202510:58pmAR-58.45-34.6
America/Argentina/CatamarcaSun, Feb 16, 202510:58pmAR-65.78-28.47
America/Argentina/CordobaSun, Feb 16, 202510:58pmAR-64.18-31.4
America/Argentina/JujuySun, Feb 16, 202510:58pmAR-65.3-24.18
America/Argentina/La_RiojaSun, Feb 16, 202510:58pmAR-66.85-29.43
America/Argentina/MendozaSun, Feb 16, 202510:58pmAR-68.82-32.88
America/Argentina/Rio_GallegosSun, Feb 16, 202510:58pmAR-69.22-51.63
America/Argentina/SaltaSun, Feb 16, 202510:58pmAR-65.42-24.78
America/Argentina/San_JuanSun, Feb 16, 202510:58pmAR-68.52-31.53
America/Argentina/San_LuisSun, Feb 16, 202510:58pmAR-66.35-33.32
America/Argentina/TucumanSun, Feb 16, 202510:58pmAR-65.22-26.82
America/Argentina/UshuaiaSun, Feb 16, 202510:58pmAR-68.3-54.8
America/ArubaSun, Feb 16, 2025  9:58pmAW-69.9712.5
America/AsuncionSun, Feb 16, 202510:58pmPY-57.67-25.27
America/AtikokanSun, Feb 16, 2025  8:58pmCA-91.6248.76
America/BahiaSun, Feb 16, 202510:58pmBR-38.52-12.98
America/Bahia_BanderasSun, Feb 16, 2025  7:58pmMX-105.2520.8
America/BarbadosSun, Feb 16, 2025  9:58pmBB-59.6213.1
America/BelemSun, Feb 16, 202510:58pmBR-48.48-1.45
America/BelizeSun, Feb 16, 2025  7:58pmBZ-88.217.5
America/Blanc-SablonSun, Feb 16, 2025  9:58pmCA-57.1251.42
America/Boa_VistaSun, Feb 16, 2025  9:58pmBR-60.672.82
America/BogotaSun, Feb 16, 2025  8:58pmCO-74.084.6
America/BoiseSun, Feb 16, 2025  6:58pmUS-116.243.61
America/Cambridge_BaySun, Feb 16, 2025  6:58pmCA-105.0569.11

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