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CH_BE: Bern (de), Switzerland
Bern (de), Canton of Switzerland 2022-07-26, 568👍, 0💬
SY_QU: Al Qunaytirah, Syrian Arab Republic
Al Qunaytirah, Province of Syrian Arab Republic 2022-07-26, 549👍, 0💬
CH_VD: Vaud (fr), Switzerland
Vaud (fr), Canton of Switzerland 2022-07-26, 494👍, 0💬
CH_GE: Genève (fr), Switzerland
Genève (fr), Canton of Switzerland 2022-07-26, 490👍, 0💬
CH_TI: Ticino (it), Switzerland
Ticino (it), Canton of Switzerland 2022-07-26, 478👍, 0💬
CH_NW: Nidwalden (de), Switzerland
Nidwalden (de), Canton of Switzerland 2022-07-26, 475👍, 0💬
CH_GL: Glarus (de), Switzerland
Glarus (de), Canton of Switzerland 2022-07-26, 469👍, 0💬
CH_JU: Jura (fr), Switzerland
Jura (fr), Canton of Switzerland 2022-07-26, 460👍, 0💬
CH_NE: Neuchâtel (fr), Switzerland
Neuchâtel (fr), Canton of Switzerland 2022-07-26, 453👍, 0💬
CH_SO: Solothurn (de), Switzerland
Solothurn (de), Canton of Switzerland 2022-07-26, 438👍, 0💬
CH_BL: Basel-Landschaft (de), Switzerland
Basel-Landschaft (de), Canton of Switzerland 2022-07-26, 436👍, 0💬
CH_SZ: Schwyz (de), Switzerland
Schwyz (de), Canton of Switzerland 2022-07-26, 435👍, 0💬
CH_BS: Basel-Stadt (de), Switzerland
Basel-Stadt (de), Canton of Switzerland 2022-07-26, 433👍, 0💬
CH_FR: Fribourg (fr), Switzerland
Fribourg (fr), Canton of Switzerland 2022-07-26, 428👍, 0💬
CH_LU: Luzern (de), Switzerland
Luzern (de), Canton of Switzerland 2022-07-26, 427👍, 0💬
CH_VS: Valais (fr), Switzerland
Valais (fr), Canton of Switzerland 2022-07-26, 426👍, 0💬
CH_AG: Aargau (de), Switzerland
Aargau (de), Canton of Switzerland 2022-07-26, 425👍, 0💬
CH_SG: Sankt Gallen (de), Switzerland
Sankt Gallen (de), Canton of Switzerland 2022-07-26, 420👍, 0💬
CH_TG: Thurgau (de), Switzerland
Thurgau (de), Canton of Switzerland 2022-07-26, 419👍, 0💬
CH_AI: Appenzell Innerrhoden (de), Switzerland
Appenzell Innerrhoden (de), Canton of Switzerland 2022-07-26, 412👍, 0💬
TW_HSZ: Hsinchu Municipality, Taiwan, Province Of China
Hsinchu Municipality, municipality of Taiwan, Province Of China 2022-07-26, 409👍, 0💬
SY_LA: Al Ladhiqiyah, Syrian Arab Republic
Al Ladhiqiyah, Province of Syrian Arab Republic 2022-07-26, 401👍, 0💬
SY_HM: ?amah, Syrian Arab Republic
?amah, Province of Syrian Arab Republic 2022-07-26, 372👍, 0💬
TW_CHA: Changhua, Taiwan, Province Of China
Changhua, district of Taiwan, Province Of China 2022-07-26, 366👍, 0💬
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