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RU_NEN: Nenetskiy avtonomnyy okrug, Russian Federation
Nenetskiy avtonomnyy okrug, autonomous district of Russian Federation 2022-10-26, 791👍, 0💬
VU_MAP: Malampa, Vanuatu
Malampa, Province of Vanuatu 2021-12-28, 784👍, 0💬
VE_Y: Delta Amacuro, Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of
Delta Amacuro, state of Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 2021-12-28, 783👍, 0💬
VN_02: Lao Cai, Viet Nam
Lao Cai, Province of Viet Nam 2021-11-30, 775👍, 0💬
SO_GA: Galguduud, Somalia
Galguduud, Region of Somalia 2022-08-27, 767👍, 0💬
BG_26: Haskovo, Bulgaria
Haskovo, Region of Bulgaria 2023-09-16, 764👍, 0💬
CN_36: Jiangxi, China
Jiangxi, province of China 2023-09-05, 764👍, 0💬
TH_90: Songkhla, Thailand
Songkhla, province of Thailand 2022-05-31, 764👍, 0💬
DE_MV: Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, State of Germany 2023-07-29, 762👍, 0💬
MX_SIN: Sinaloa, Mexico
Sinaloa, state of Mexico 2023-03-07, 761👍, 0💬
SL_W: Western Area (Freetown), Sierra Leone
Western Area (Freetown), area of Sierra Leone 2022-10-07, 761👍, 0💬
GB_WLN: West Lothian, United Kingdom
West Lothian, council area (Scotland) of United Kingdom 2021-10-10, 760👍, 0💬
CM_CE: Centre, Cameroon
Centre, Region of Cameroon 2023-09-07, 758👍, 0💬
US_GA: Georgia, United States
Georgia, state of United States 2022-04-13, 758👍, 0💬
JP_11: Saitama, Japan
Saitama, Perfecture of Japan 2023-05-31, 757👍, 0💬
EE_37: Harjumaa, Estonia
Harjumaa, County of Estonia 2023-08-09, 755👍, 0💬
UZ_NG: Namangan, Uzbekistan
Namangan, region of Uzbekistan 2021-12-28, 754👍, 0💬
NZ_STL: Southland, New Zealand
Southland, Regional Council of New Zealand 2023-02-03, 751👍, 0💬
LR_GG: Grand Gedeh, Liberia
Grand Gedeh, County of Liberia 2023-04-25, 750👍, 0💬
AU_NSW: New South Wales, Australia
New South Wales, state of Australia 2023-10-15, 749👍, 0💬
TM_M: Mary, Turkmenistan
Mary, region of Turkmenistan 2022-05-15, 749👍, 0💬
CN_33: Zhejiang, China
Zhejiang, province of China 2023-09-05, 748👍, 0💬
NO_12: Hordaland, Norway
Hordaland, County of Norway 2023-02-19, 748👍, 0💬
AR_B: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Buenos Aires, province of Argentina 2023-10-27, 747👍, 0💬
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