Travel > States/Provinces

Search State/Province Database by Key Word

Looking for the list of provinces in Canada? Use our search engine on the ISO 3166-2 database which contrains a complete breakdown into a relevant level of administrative subdivisions of all countries listed in ISO 3166-1. ISO 3166-2 has over 4,400 entries of states, provinces, districts or other subdivisions of all countries in the world. The search engine uses an easy-to-use key word search on state or province names and country names.

Enter a key word and click Search:

Search Result:

State/Province NameISO 3166-2Country
An GiangVN-44Viet Nam
Ba Ria - Vung TauVN-43Viet Nam
Bac CanVN-53Viet Nam
Bac GiangVN-54Viet Nam
Bac LieuVN-55Viet Nam
Bac NinhVN-56Viet Nam
Ben TreVN-50Viet Nam
Binh DinhVN-31Viet Nam
Binh DuongVN-57Viet Nam
Binh PhuocVN-58Viet Nam
Binh ThuanVN-40Viet Nam
Ca MauVN-59Viet Nam
Can ThoVN-48Viet Nam
Cao BangVN-04Viet Nam
Da Nang, thanh phoVN-60Viet Nam
Dac LacVN-33Viet Nam
Dak NongVN-72Viet Nam
Dien BienVN-71Viet Nam
Dong NaiVN-39Viet Nam
Dong ThapVN-45Viet Nam
Gia LaiVN-30Viet Nam
Ha GiangVN-03Viet Nam
Ha NamVN-63Viet Nam
Ha Noi, thu doVN-64Viet Nam
Ha TayVN-15Viet Nam
Ha TinhVN-23Viet Nam
Hai DuongVN-61Viet Nam
Hai Phong, thanh phoVN-62Viet Nam
Hau GiangVN-73Viet Nam
Ho Chi Minh, thanh pho [Sai Gon]VN-65Viet Nam
Note: Other search results are not displayed. Revise your search key word to reduce search results.

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Search State/Province Database by Key Word

Search State/Province Database by Key Word

Looking for the list of provinces in Canada? Use our search engine on the ISO 3166-2 database which contrains over 4,400 entries of states, provinces, districts or other subdivisions of all countries in the world.

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