Travel > Cities

Search City Database by Key Word

Looking for basic information on the city of Paris? Use our search engine on the UN/LOCODE (United Nations Code for Trade and Transport Locations) database which has over 80,000 entries of cities, airports, and road terminals world wide. The UN/LOCODE database is maintained by UNECE (United Nations Economic Commission for Europe) and updated regularly. The search engine uses an easy-to-use key word search on location names and country names.

Enter a key word and click Search:

Search Result:

City NameUN/LOCODECountry
Abbot PointABPAustralia
Acacia RidgeACAAustralia
Airlie BeachWSYAustralia
Augustus DownsAUDAustralia
Aurukun MissionAUUAustralia
Badu IslandBDDAustralia
Bakers CreekBAKAustralia
Barkly DownsBKPAustralia
Batavia DownsBVWAustralia
Note: Other search results are not displayed. Revise your search key word to reduce search results.

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