ACD (Alcides Fernandez Airport) - ACD (Acandi, CO)


Alcides Fernandez Airport

Airport Name: Alcides Fernandez Airport
City Name: Acandi- City served by this airport.
Local Time: 11:40pm on Tue, Sep 10, 2024 in America/Bogota time zone
IATA/FAA Code: ACD - 3-letter code assigned by IATA or FAA.
ICAO Code: SKAD - 4-letter code assigned by ICAO.
Latitude and Longitude: 8.516667 - Latitude of this airport.
Longitude: -77.300000 - Longitude of this airport.
Altitude: 15 metres above the sea level.
Country Name: Colombia - Country or territory where this airport is located.
CO - ISO2 code of the country.
Currency: $ - COP (Colombian Peso) - Currency used at this airport.
Calling Code: +57 - Telephone dialing in code for this airport.


2021-05-25, 558👍, 0💬