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IKT (Irkutsk) - IKT (Irkutsk, RU)
Airport Name: | Irkutsk |
City Name: | Irkutsk- City served by this airport. |
Local Time: | 10:44pm on Thu, Sep 12, 2024 in Asia/Irkutsk time zone |
IATA/FAA Code: | IKT - 3-letter code assigned by IATA or FAA. |
ICAO Code: | UIII - 4-letter code assigned by ICAO. |
Latitude and Longitude: | 52.268028 - Latitude of this airport. |
Longitude: | 104.388975 - Longitude of this airport. |
Altitude: | 511 metres above the sea level. |
Airlines: | Alitalia - AZ - AZA Pulkovo Aviation Enterprise - FV - PLK Hainan Airlines - HU - CHH Comores Airlines - KR - CWK Aircompany Yakutia - R3 - SYL Complete list of airlines serving this Airport. |
Country Name: |
Russia - Country or territory where this airport is located. RU - ISO2 code of the country. |
Currency: | руб - RUB (Russian Ruble) - Currency used at this airport. |
Calling Code: | +7 - Telephone dialing in code for this airport. |
2021-05-25, 499👍, 0💬
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