EO (Hewa Bora Airways) - CD (Democratic Republic of the Congo)


Basic facts and profile information about Hewa Bora Airways in Democratic Republic of the Congo: airline name, other names, IATA code, ICAO code, Callsign, country, etc.

Airline Name: Hewa Bora Airways
Airline Callsign: ALLCONGO
Country: Democratic Republic of the Congo - Country or territory where this airline is located.
CD - ISO2 code of the country.
Airports Served:Bunia (BUX) - Serving city: Bunia of D.R. Congo
Ndjili Intl (FIH) - Serving city: Kinshasa of D.R. Congo
Kisangani Simisini (FKI) - Serving city: Kisangani of D.R. Congo
Gemena (GMA) - Serving city: Gemena of D.R. Congo
Goma (GOM) - Serving city: Goma of D.R. Congo
Kananga (KGA) - Serving city: Kananga of D.R. Congo
Kolwezi (KWZ) - Serving city: Kolwezi of D.R. Congo
Mbandaka (MDK) - Serving city: Mbandaka of D.R. Congo
Mbuji Mayi (MJM) - Serving city: Mbuji-Mayi of D.R. Congo
Johannesburg Intl (JNB) - Serving city: Johannesburg of South Africa


2021-05-25, 437👍, 0💬