Currency Symbols/Signs


The latest list of currency symbols/signs. Unicode sequences are also provided to help programmers.'; echo ' For example, Japanese yen ¥ can be entered with ¥ as an HTML entity or "\u00A5" as a Java/C++ character.




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Currency NameCodeSymbols/SignsUnicode
Egypt PoundEGP£A3
El Salvador ColonSVC$24
Estonia KroonEEKkr6B, 72
Euro Member CountriesEUR20AC
Falkland Islands (Malvinas) PoundFKP£A3
Fiji DollarFJD$24
Ghana CedisGHC¢A2
Gibraltar PoundGIP£A3
Guatemala QuetzalGTQQ51
Guernsey PoundGGP£A3
Guyana DollarGYD$24
Honduras LempiraHNLL4C
Hong Kong DollarHKD$24
Hungary ForintHUFFt46, 74
Iceland KronaISKkr6B, 72
India RupeeINR20A8
Indonesia RupiahIDRRp52, 70
Isle of Man PoundIMP£A3
Israel ShekelILS20AA
Jamaica DollarJMDJ$4A, 24
Japan YenJPY¥A5
Jersey PoundJEP£A3
Kazakhstan TengeKZTлв43B, 432
Korea (North) WonKPW20A9
Korea (South) WonKRW20A9
Kyrgyzstan SomKGSлв43B, 432
Laos KipLAK20AD
Latvia LatLVLLs4C, 73
Lebanon PoundLBP£A3

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2024-07-25, 3059👍, 2💬