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Looking for the list of airlines in Canada? Use our search engine on the airline database which contains over 6,000 airlines with airline names, IATA codes, ICAO codes, and Callsigns. The search engine uses an easy-to-use key word search on airline names and country names.
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Search Result:
Airline Name | IATA Code | ICAO Code | Country |
Aeriantur-M | MBV | Moldova | |
Aeronord-Grup | NRP | Moldova | |
Aeroputul International Marculesti | AMM | Moldova | |
Air Moldova | 9U | MLD | Moldova |
Air Wings | BSB | Moldova | |
Grixona | GXA | Moldova | |
Jet Line International | MJL | Moldova | |
Jet Stream | JSM | Moldova | |
Moldaeroservice | MLE | Moldova | |
Moldavian Airlines | 2M | MDV | Moldova |
Moldova | MVG | Moldova | |
Nobil Air | NBL | Moldova | |
Pecotox Air | PXA | Moldova | |
Renan | RAN | Moldova | |
Tandem Aero | TQ | TDM | Moldova |
Tepavia-Trans Airlines | TET | Moldova | |
Tiramavia | TVI | Moldova | |
Valan Limited | VLN | Moldova | |
Vichi | VIH | Moldova |
⇒ Top 10 Largest Airlines in the World
2021-05-26, 35930👍, 0💬
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