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List of Countries by Domain Name
Do you know the domain name for Australia? You can find it in our list of countries and territories by top level domain name used on the Internet. Country's domain name mostly matches the ISO2 code assigned to that country.
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Country or Territory Name | Domain Name | ISO2 Code |
Zimbabwe | .zw | ZW |
Zambia | .zm | ZM |
South Africa | .za | ZA |
Mayotte | .yt | YT |
Yemen | .ye | YE |
Samoa | .ws | WS |
Wallis and Futuna | .wf | WF |
Vanuatu | .vu | VU |
Viet Nam | .vn | VN |
Virgin Islands, U.S. | .vi | VI |
Virgin Islands, British | .vg | VG |
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of | .ve | VE |
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | .vc | VC |
Holy See (Vatican City State) | .va | VA |
Uzbekistan | .uz | UZ |
Uruguay | .uy | UY |
United States | .us | US |
United States Minor Outlying Islands | .um | UM |
Uganda | .ug | UG |
Ukraine | .ua | UA |
Tanzania, United Republic of | .tz | TZ |
Taiwan, Province of China | .tw | TW |
Tuvalu | .tv | TV |
Trinidad and Tobago | .tt | TT |
Turkey | .tr | TR |
Tonga | .to | TO |
Tunisia | .tn | TN |
Turkmenistan | .tm | TM |
Timor-Leste | .tl | TL |
Tokelau | .tk | TK |
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⇒ Country Names and ISO2 Codes
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