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List of Countries with Calling Codes
Do you know the calling code to Australia? You can find it in our list of countries and territories with their telephone calling codes. Some special telephone service calling codes are also provided.
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Country or Territory Name | Calling Code |
Abkhazia | +7 840, +7 940, +995 44 |
Afghanistan | +93 |
Albania | +355 |
Algeria | +213 |
American Samoa | +1 684 |
ANAC Satellite | +857, +858 |
Andorra | +376 |
Angola | +244 |
Anguilla | +1 264 |
Antigua and Barbuda | +1 268 |
Antigua and Barbuda | +1 268 |
Argentina | +54 |
Armenia | +374 |
Aruba | +297 |
Australia | +61 |
Australian External Territories | +672 |
Austria | +43 |
Azerbaijan | +994 |
Bahamas | +1 242 |
Bahrain | +973 |
Bangladesh | +880 |
Barbados | +1 246 |
Belarus | +375 |
Belgium | +32 |
Belize | +501 |
Benin | +229 |
Bermuda | +1 441 |
Bhutan | +975 |
Bolivia | +591 |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | +387 |
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